There has been little fan fare or build up - indeed, it would probably be fair to say that there has been something of a shroud of mystery about exactly when the next batch of the custom katana would be available to order.. (after all, the last official date provided was August last year!)..
But theres been good reason for it - because in the background we have been tinkering away to delivery what we think now is the PERFECT system - and we can now offer you the option to purchase the custom katana at ANY time, all year round!
Thats right - no more mad panic.
No need to rush your purchase, and no way to ever miss out again!
Sounds too good to be true? Well, it certainly has us excited - now people can budget and save sensibly for their design, knowing they can order anytime and behind the scenes your order will become part of a sophisticated Just in time delivery and production system we have developed with the Black Dragon forge over the years - and now set it all up so that we can provide a slow and steady supply of customized Japanese style blades when YOU want them, not when a frantic window of opportunity opens and closes within a few weeks...
So relax - no rush. You can order again - anytime, and over the next few weeks will be will doing a few cosmetic upgrades to the images, etc - but otherwise, the custom Katana 3.0 is not only back, its here to stay...!
A pretty exciting announcement, but no hyperbole necessary - its a quiet launch because we prefer you take your time thinking about your design than rush it. It really is a lot of fun..
- Paul